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  On 3/13/2012 WordPress suspended my account and I could no longer log into this blog. No one at WordPress would respond to my queries as to what happened so I just took my current back up and started over at Blogger. I only yesterday realized the account was active again because someone left a kind comment. I was never able to tell anyone I had moved until now so please visit me at:

Thank you,


Pour Guinness Cans Perfectly [Guinness]

via Lifehacker by David Galloway on 3/11/12

Click here to read Pour Guinness Cans Perfectly

Don’t worry about 45 degree angles, the best way to pour a can a Guinness into a 16oz pint glass is to open the can and immediately place it upside down in the pint glass. The beer won’t overflow, and after the bubbles stop foaming you can gently remove the can and have a perfectly poured pint as shown in the video from culinary weblog More »

I’ve never made a post like this before. I would like to explain the purpose of my blog. A few years ago I decided I wanted a way to keep up with all the things I come across on the web that I am interested in. I format my desktop quite often because I test everything as soon as it comes out in beta and I test allot of stuff I get from torrents. Back in 1980 I started running BBS systems just to trade software but once the Internet got popular that put an end to that.

Facebook was too rigid in the way I could categorize my posts and determine how they are viewed so I went with the free WordPress account. I never dreamed others would find my posts of interest to them and I am flattered! So keep in mind 99 % of what you see here is not anything original by me but things I run across that I find so interesting I don’t want to lose. Maybe when I die my kids can go here to find out what made their father tick.

Anyway, that’s what’s going here at ‘Welcome To Tanelorn’. I can thank one of my favorite SF authors, Michael Moorcock for that name.

Thank you to everyone who has left a comment and clicked the follow button!



sshot4e1684009da0b.pngHave you had a frustrating day at your programming job? Then you need something to make you smile again. This terrific chart provides a humorous look at the various “programming monsters” that you may encounter while working.


Microsoft has improved driver support in the Windows operating system a lot over the years. Most users do not need to install a single driver when they setup the new operating system as everything is working out of the box. Drivers are mostly needed to add functionality and performance, for instance in the case of video card drivers. There are however situations where drivers are needed to install devices properly. This is often the case for old hardware, and hardware that cam preinstalled on a computer.

A backup of those drivers can be a safeguard in case of computer problems, for example when everything needs to be formatted and newly installed. A driver backup before that process could be used to restore the drivers once the system has been setup again.

Semper Driver Backup is a free backup software for the Windows operating system. Unlike standard driver backup programs it runs the backup on all system devices and components. That’s good on the one hand as it makes sure that everything gets backed up, not so good on the other hand for keeping an overview and managing the device backups.

semper driver backup

The drivers are backed up with a click on the backup drivers button in the program interface. The software displays a list of drivers and their inf files in the interface.

One of the biggest issues of this technique is that it does not seem possible to restore a single driver from within the application interface. If you click the Import Drivers button all drivers that have been backed up before will be restored.

While that’s convenient if the hardware of the system has not changed, it could be problematic if hardware has been replaced or added.

Drivers are on the other hand placed in a folder under My Documents. Some are stored with inf files that can theoretically be used to install the drivers, provided that it is possible to identify the correct inf file of a device which may not be as easy as it sounds with more than 200 driver files backed up and cryptic names like netrasa.inf or nettun.inf. It is however possible to use the information displayed by Semper Driver Backup to link files to drivers.

It is not difficulty to use, provided that all you want to do is to backup all system drivers or restore them.

How does Semper Driver Backup compare to previously reviewed applications like Double Driver, Driver Magician Lite or the portable application Driver Backup 2?

The core difference is that Semper Driver Backup can only backup and restore all existing drivers whereas the previously reviewed applications can backup and restore drivers selectively.

Interested users can download the backup software from the developer website. It is compatible with all recent versions of the Windows operating system (via).


We have a sneaking suspicion we’ve written this post before. Oh wait, we did


Looks like the world wide web is seeing a few upgrades this week. Shortly after NC State announced a new methodology for routing fiber optic connections more quickly, in flies Alcatel-Lucent with a shiny new network processor to make things even faster. The FP3 that was announced this week promises a "fourfold increase in performance over the fastest IP network available," supporting 400Gbps transmission speeds while cutting power consumption by up to 50 percent. The chip’s been demonstrated to the powers that be this week, and it’s reportedly designed to "address tomorrow’s demand for ultra-high performance public and private IP networks." How so, you ask? A sole FP3 could handle 70,000 simultaneous HD video streams or 8.4 million simultaneous retail cloud sessions, and quite frankly, could make the 100 Gigabit Ethernet standards that were used to look like old hat. But hey — who’s kvetching about that?

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Alcatel-Lucent’s FP3 network processor routes at 400Gbps, handles 70,000 simultaneous HD streams originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 29 Jun 2011 14:20:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Not all wireless carriers are created equal, nor for that matter is all 4G — anyone who’s ever swapped networks or done any sort of traveling across the country can tell you that. And while it seems like we have fewer and fewer choices as the days go by, our increasing reliance on mobile devices makes the efficiency of our data delivery all the more important. PCMag invested some serious man / woman-hours for its annual "Fastest Mobile Networks" story, gathering mobile data in 21 cities — running more than 140,000 tests in all. According to the results, Verizon’s LTE rules supreme in pretty much every area tested, save for those "in-between" rural locations, where AT&T nabbed the top spot. Perhaps it’s time to take old "Test Man" out of retirement for celebratory victory lap?

Verizon dominates ‘Fastest Mobile Networks’ testing, considers calling AT&T to brag originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 27 Jun 2011 20:18:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Would you feel comfortable driving down the highway with a Temporary Auto Pilot (TAP) behind the wheel of your next Volkswagen? A new technology proposed by the German automaker won’t take you from A to B automatically, but it will help out with more simple driving, so you can take your hands off the wheel while cruising down the highway at up to 130km/h (about 80 mph), for example. The system pairs Lane Assist with cruise control, and can be overridden by the driver at any time. The TAP system’s Pilot Mode uses radar, laser, camera, and ultrasonic sensors to maintain a safe distance between vehicles, start and stop in traffic, and slow down before a bend. Speed is set by the driver, who you’ll need to remain aware of your surroundings in case you need to take over control — so don’t get too comfortable poking around the menus on that AppRadio just yet.

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Volkswagen Temporary Auto Pilot brings hands-free driving to the highway originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 24 Jun 2011 07:05:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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i.MX 6 quad-core reference board flexes processing muscle at Freescale Technology ForumFreescale answered our power prayers with the introduction of its i.MX 6 processor suite at CES earlier this year, but left us longing for a demo. Well, the outfit’s just given us all our first glimpse at the healthiest processing muscle in the bunch, the quad-core i.MX 6. Sporting four ARM Cortex A9 cores and a 64-bit memory bus, the reference design board can be seen running a 1080p video demo and Quake simultaneously — and it didn’t even break a sweat. Freescale says it’s currently working with Google on making the processor Honeycomb-compatible, but don’t get too excited; i.MX 6 won’t make it into real-deal machines until 2012. If you’ve got an extra 20 minutes to spare, hop on past the break for a rather lengthy video of the processor at work.

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i.MX 6 quad-core reference board flexes processing muscle at Freescale Technology Forum originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 22 Jun 2011 04:06:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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